Looking for what I wanted found

Looking for what I wanted found what I needed

For the last three months I have been

looking for a Sarah Jessica Parker mask to wear to a “Sex in the City” party and my luck was running out as the party fast approached. Then BAMM, a friend told me about

this mask. I was leary at first but then, after some support from my friend Romero, I purchased the mask. I have only one word to describe my costume, “It was a hit.”

People said I was the spitting image of Sarah Jessica Parkers character Carrie Bradshaw. Thank you Amazon and thank you Horse Head Mask people.

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Was it worth it?

Was it worth it?

Absolutely. When I decided that it was time I invest in a quality horse

head mask, I weighed my options. I noticed that there were several other horse head masks on Amazon which were mostly less expensive – but I chose to buy this mask based on all of

the customer reviews. There were way more star ratings and reviews giving this thing a good rap so I figured it was worth the extra $15 to buy instead of one of the cheaper, unrated

alternatives… and I have no regrets! This thing is hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. So if you feel you need a quality horse head mask… I give this mask 9 thumbs up.

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Im just horsing around

Im just horsing around

Awesome toy, I received this today and

took a walk down my street into town wearing it. I heard a guy yell “Yeeaaah!!” and people whispering and talking around me.

Only dis advantage is you can not see out of the eyes, the only way you can see if through the small holes in the nose and mouth.

A little hard time breathing, but its defiantly worth it. If you are considering buying this, DO IT!

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If you're picky about your horse head

If you're picky about your horse head masks

look no further

I consider myself kind of an expert when it comes to horse head masks, this

is one of the better quality masks in my collection. Ive only owned it for three weeks but estimate

you could get at least 12 weeks of continual use with minimal resurfacing.

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A life-changer

A life-changer

Because of my homely appearance, I've

always had low self-esteem, and have not fared well in romance or my career. This mask has changed all

that. Now, people often compliment me on my good looks. I wear the mask at all times. It has helped me make

good impressions everywhere I go, especially on first dates and job interviews.

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Won't fit on a horse or

Won't fit on a horse or a pony for that matter.

Unlike many of the people on here, whose sanity I seriously question, I did not buy this product. Neigh, it was gifted to me. They say not to look a gift horse

in the mouth, but in this case I must. First, do not wear this around animals. Just don't. I have a dog, a cat, and I work around horses (harhar). I'll leave you to guess which reacted best to a two-legged half-horse monstrosity trotting about. (Answer? None of them.) Second, don't wear this around people. There is literally no person on Earth that can pull this off as stylish, maybe one or two that can pull

this off as ironic, and everyone else will be buying a one-way ticket to… a ticket, I guess. Can they ticket you for wearing a fake horse head? I don't know. Probably. Hopefully. Pretty sure it's illegal in NYC, anyway (heads up!). Third, I see that some people have been putting this on animals. I can only assume that you drugged them, or that they are naturally very complaint and used to people horsing around.

I can confidently say neither my dog nor my cat let me dress them up in this, and it's much too small to fit over the head of a Shetland Pony. So, I'm pretty much at a loss. Am I happy to own this? No. Did it make me laugh? Yes, in that its soulless gaze saps away my sanity when I'm in its general proximity. One thing is certain. This will be great for bank robberies. Thanks, Dad!

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There is only horse now

There is only horse now

I must say, I

was on the fence about this until I started reading the rave reviews. I'm currently

convincing all of my friends to purchase this item as well in order to amass a

herd of horsemen.


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Too Realistic

BEWARE Too Realistic

BEWARE Too Realistic As a baby I was dropped on my head so many times that I developed what my doctor

calls aberrant cranial grotesque. So I started wearing very large hats like Plush Turkey Drumstick Hat . But wanting something for more formal occasions I tried Accoutrements Horse Head Mask . Big Mistake. As soon as my neighbor's 12 year old

daughter saw me in my new Accoutrements Horse Head Mask she immediately locked me in her stable. I spent the next two weeks arguing that I was not really a horse while giving rides to her and all of her friends. Finally one night she left the stable

door unlocked and I was able to make it home. BEWARE: This mask can be TOO realistic.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Results may vary.

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Funniest Mask EVER!!

Funniest Mask EVER!!

Seriously, this is the funniest

mask I have ever seen. You can wear the mask and literally do ANYTHING and it's hilarious. The quality is

kind of poor, but it'll hold up and its so funny, it's worth every penny. I ordered one for my brother

for his birthday, and now I have to get one for myself. Absolutely hilarious.

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Ever since birth, i longed to have the horse of a head as my own. I loathed the boring, average looks of the human

cranium, so i began searching for a way to make my desired transformation. After countless “dome” surgeries (as they're called in the biz), i was always left feeling too human. Then, one day while surfing the interwebz, i stumbled across this Horse Head Mask. I had finally

found my DREAM!!! This mask is total AWESOME SAUCE! It looks convincing, is well made, and was cheap cheap CHEAP! This mask is guaranteed to get your average humans friends laughing, and your better, more sophisticated horse friends to envy you and your gorgeous head. So buy

this mask and wear it all the time to such events as weddings, business meetings, a trip to the (horse) racing track, space exploration, spelunking, or any other horse or non-horse related activity. Enjoy your horse head mask folks, i know i am!

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