Won't fit on a horse or

Won't fit on a horse or a pony for that matter.

Unlike many of the people on here, whose sanity I seriously question, I did not buy this product. Neigh, it was gifted to me. They say not to look a gift horse

in the mouth, but in this case I must. First, do not wear this around animals. Just don't. I have a dog, a cat, and I work around horses (harhar). I'll leave you to guess which reacted best to a two-legged half-horse monstrosity trotting about. (Answer? None of them.) Second, don't wear this around people. There is literally no person on Earth that can pull this off as stylish, maybe one or two that can pull

this off as ironic, and everyone else will be buying a one-way ticket to… a ticket, I guess. Can they ticket you for wearing a fake horse head? I don't know. Probably. Hopefully. Pretty sure it's illegal in NYC, anyway (heads up!). Third, I see that some people have been putting this on animals. I can only assume that you drugged them, or that they are naturally very complaint and used to people horsing around.

I can confidently say neither my dog nor my cat let me dress them up in this, and it's much too small to fit over the head of a Shetland Pony. So, I'm pretty much at a loss. Am I happy to own this? No. Did it make me laugh? Yes, in that its soulless gaze saps away my sanity when I'm in its general proximity. One thing is certain. This will be great for bank robberies. Thanks, Dad!

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