Good clean fun worth it after

Good clean fun worth it after only 15 minutes of ownership

We bought 3 of these mainly on the basis of the hilarious customer

“action” shots. This is one time where drunken 1-clicking was not a bad idea, in the end. We were paging through the videos howling with laughter, and when they came in the mail, 2 days later (thanks, Prime!), it wasn't just the Bloody Marys talking,

because right now we are stone sober, we have some awesome new online profile pics, and while wearing this mask (with glasses), I am about to have a Skype video chat with my business partner, who has absolutely no idea what he is in for. My friend will

also be stuffing one of the masks with some foam and pillows, adding a little washable fake blood, and coming up with an excuse to visit our very dear, but horse-crazy friend, where he will leave it in her bed. Awesomesauce.

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